Befriend Your Body

Sheila Resari, certified coachThe purpose of True North Massage is to inspire the entire world to befriend their bodies, thereby soaring to unimaginable heights of love, joy, creativity, and collaboration!  My mission is to facilitate an experience of ease, pleasure, and aliveness in your body so you recognize this potential and create it for yourself.


Conscious Living & Loving Coaching

I have been playing with the work of Katie and Gay Hendricks — two masters of conscious living and body-centered transformation — for the past 10 years.  I am a certified coach and a graduate of the two-year Leadership and Transformation program. One of my particular geniuses is to find ways to play with problems in order to find fun, ease, and new ideas.  If you were no longer struggling with [fill in the blank: money, relationships, stress, work…], what would you be doing with all that energy?  If you’re ready to discover your answer, come play with me!


Body Discovery: Coaching & Massage

Imagine a bodywork session where all of you is welcome.  This includes your sadness, your fear, and your anger. Where you can share thoughts and questions that bubble up to shift the focus of the work and co-create a powerfully transformative session. Imagine combining body-centered coaching with hands-on skill, including Thai massage, craniosacral therapy, deep tissue, Maya Abdominal Therapy, and Swedish massage. Body Discovery lets you explore how bodywork and conscious living coaching can help you befriend your body and transform your life!


Ready to book your session?  Click here for my calendar!